Amelia Schmitt

Stephen Schmitt and Amelia
Amelia Schmitt
+ John Frey (1)
William Frey
Joseph Frey
Anne Frey
Angela Frey
John Frey (2)
Katherine Frey

The information that we have on Amelia Schmitt is minimal, though if we can track down members of the Frey family, there may be more information to be had. She was the daughter of Stephen Schmitt and his wife, also named Amelia.

Amelia Schmitt married a man named John Frey, and they had 6 children that we are aware of; William, Joseph, Anne, Angela, John, and Katherine. Other family names that descend from this part of the family are Timmons, Burke, and Fitzpatrick.

As told by Louise Schmitt to Marion Schmitt, Amelia died of breast cancer within a year of her brother, William. As he is believed to have died in 1928, her death would then be in 1929.

Related Families Contact: Bill Schmitt